


ChIP後に回収できるDNA量に限りがあると、ChIP後のライブラリー調製を容易に行えません。ChIP-seqに最適なソリューションを提供するために、回収されるDNAのインプット量が低い場合でも信頼性の高いライブラリー調製を可能にする、特別に設計されたMicroPlex Library Preparation KitをDiagenodeは開発しました。 iDeal Library Preparation Kitは、DNAのインプット量が標準でも使用することもできます。また、ライブラリー調製キットとiDeal ChIP-seqおよびTrue MicroChIPキットを組み合わせてご使用頂くことで、最高のChIP-seq結果をお届けします。

  • Standard input library prep

    The iDeal Library Preparation Kit reliably converts DNA into indexed libraries for next-generation sequencing, with input amounts down to 5 ng. Our kit offers a simple and fast workflow, high yields, and ready-to-sequence DNA on the Illumina platform.


    • Sample: Fragmented dsDNA
    • Input: 5 ng – 1 µg
    • Fast protocol: 3 hours
    • Easy processing: 3 steps
    • Indexing: single indexes for multiplexing up to 24 samples
    • Manual and automated protocols available
    • Sequencing technology: Illumina


    • MeDIP-seq library prep
    • Genomic DNA sequencing
    • High input ChIP-seq

The iDeal Library Preparation Kit reliably converts DNA into indexed libraries for next-generation sequencing, with input amounts down to 5 ng. Our kit offers a simple and fast workflow, high yields, and ready-to-sequence DNA on the Illumina platform.


  • Sample: Fragmented dsDNA
  • Input: 5 ng – 1 µg
  • Fast protocol: 3 hours
  • Easy processing: 3 steps
  • Indexing: single indexes for multiplexing up to 24 samples
  • Manual and automated protocols available
  • Sequencing technology: Illumina


  • MeDIP-seq library prep
  • Genomic DNA sequencing
  • High input ChIP-seq
Cat. No. Product Format
C05010020 iDeal Library Preparation Kit x24 (incl. Index Primer Set 1) 24 rxns
C05010021 Index Primer Set 2 (iDeal Lib. Prep Kit x24) 24 rxns

How to choose your library preparation kit?


Chromatin-antibody-beads complex

Purified DNA

Purified DNA



ChIP-seq library prep
Low input DNA sequencing

MeDIP-seq library prep
Genomic DNA sequencing
High input ChIP-seq


Chromatin: 5 K to 4 M cells

DNA: 50 pg – 50 ng

DNA: 5 ng – 1 µg


Up to 24 samples

Up to 384 samples

Up to 48 samples

Up to 24 samples


Single indexes (SI)

Dual indexes (DI)

Single indexes (SI)

Single indexes (SI)


TAG Kit for ChIPmentation
(indexes not included in the kit)

C01011030 – 24 rxns

Single indexes
C01011031 – 24 SI/24 rxns

MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v3
(dual indexes not included in the kit)

C05010001 - 48 rxns
C05010002 - 96 rxns

Unique dual indexes
C05010008 - Set I 24 UDI / 24 rxns
C05010009 - Set II 24 UDI/ 24 rxns

Dual indexes
C05010003 - 24 DI/ 48 rxns
C05010004 - Set I 96 DI/ 96 rxns
C05010005 - Set II 96 DI/ 96 rxns
C05010006 - Set III 96 DI/ 96 rxns
C05010007 - Set IV 96 DI/ 96 rxns

MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v2
(single indexes included in the kit)

C05010012 - 12 SI/ 12 rxns
C05010013 - 12 SI/ 48 rxns

iDeal Library Preparation Kit
(Set 1 of indexes included in the kit)

C05010020 - 12 SI/ 24 rxns

Index Primer Set 2

C05010021 - 12 SI/ 24 rxns

Combined chromatin immunoprecipitation and next-generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) has become the gold standard to investigate genome-wide epigenetic profiles. However, ChIP from a limited amount of cells has been a challenge. Here we provide a complete and robust workflow solution for successful ChIP-seq from small numbers of cells using the True MicroChIP kit and MicroPlex Library Preparation kit.


ChIP efficiency on 10,000 cells

From minuscule amounts to magnificent results:
reliable ChIP-seq data from 10,000 cells with the True MicroChIP™ and the MicroPlex Library Preparation™ kits.


Quality control check of a ChIP-seq library on the Fragment Analyzer. High Efficiency ChIP performed on 10,000 cells

Best Workflow Practices for ChIP-seq Analysis with Small Samples


MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit

  1. Can I use the available Illumina primers and validate them with the MicroPlex Kit v2?
    Although the final flanking sequences of MicroPlex are the same as those used by Illumina, the PCR primers are not identical and part of them is supplied with the buffer. For this reason Illumina primers will not work as substitute.

  2. The BioAnalyzer profile of purified library shows the presence of low molecular weight peaks (primers/adaptors) in the samples. Should I re- purify the samples or they can be used directly to the sequencing? If the second purification is recommended, which ratio sample/AMPure beads should I use?
    You can do a second round of purification using 1:1 ratio of AMPure beads to sample and this should get rid of the majority of the dimers.

  3. I am going to use the MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v2 on ChIP samples . Our thermocycler has ramp rate 1.5°/s max while the protocol recommends using a ramp rate 3 to 5°/s. How would this affect the library prep?
    We have not used a thermocycler with a ramp rate of 1.5 °C, which seems faster than most of thermocyclers. Too fast of a ramp rate may affect the primer annealing and ligation steps.

  4. What is the function of the replication stop site in the adapter loops?
    The replication stop site in the adaptor loops function to stop the polymerase from continuing to copy the rest of the stem loop.

  5. I want to do ChIP-seq. Which ChIP-seq kit can I use for sample preparation prior to Microplex Library Preparation Kit v2?
    In our portfolio there are several ChIP-seq kits compatible with Microplex Library Preparation Kit v2. Depending on your sample type and target studied you can use the following kits: iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors (Cat. No. C01010055), iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones (Cat. No. C01010051), True MicroChIP kit (Cat. No. C01010130), Universal Plant ChIP-seq Kit (Cat. No. C01010152). All these kits exist in manual and automated versions.

  6. Is Microplex Library Preparation Kit v2 compatible with exome enrichment methods?
    Microplex Library Preparation Kit v2 is compatible with major exome and target enrichment products, including Agilent SureSelect®, Roche NimbleGen® SeqCap® EZ and custom panels.

  7. What is the nick that is mentioned in the kit method overview?
    The nick is simply a gap between a stem adaptor and 3’ DNA end, as shown on the schema in the kit method overview.

  8. Are the indexes of the MicroPlex library preparation kit v2 located at i5 or i7?
    The libraries generated with the MicroPlex kit v2 contain indices located at i7.

  9. Is there a need to use custom index read primers for the sequencing to read the 8nt iPCRtags?
    There is no need for using custom Sequencing primer to sequence MicroPlex libraires. MicroPlex libraries can be sequenced using standard Illumina Sequencing kits and protocols.

  10. What is the advantage of using stem-loop adapter in the MicroPlex kit?
    There are several advantages of using stem-loop adaptors. First of all, stem-loop adaptors prevent from self-ligation thus increases the ligation efficiency between the adapter and DNA fragment. Moreover, the background is reduced using ds adaptors with no single-stranded tails. Finally, adaptor-adaptor ligation is reduced using blocked 5’ ends.

IDeal Library Preparation Kit

  1. Are the index from the iDeal library Prep kit compatible with the MicroPlex library prep kit?
    No, it is important to use only the indexes provided in the MicroPlex kit to ensure proper library preparation with this kit


Cat. No.製品FormatPrice
C05010003 24 Dual indexes for MicroPlex Kit v3 /48 rxns
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq library prep from ChIP-derived DNA. The kit MicroPlex v3...
48 rxns $425.00
C05010001 MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v3
Diagenode’s MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3 have been extensively validated for ChIP-seq samples and are optimized to generate DNA libraries with...
48 rxns $1,555.00
C05010012 MicroPlex Library Preparation Kit v2 (12 indices)
ChIP-seq専用に最適化 MicroPlex Library Preparation™kit は、ChIP-seq専用に検証されていて、ピコグラム単位の入力だけで索引付きライブラリー調製できる唯一のキットです。 True MicroChIP kitと組み合わせることで、わずか10,000細胞でC...
12 rxns

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