

DNAメチル化についての理解は、転写の制御、ゲノムインプリンティング、胚発生、および発癌の研究に不可欠です。 Diagenodeは、シーケンシングまたはqPCRによるバイサルファイト変換と免疫沈降(IP)を提案しており、これらはDNAメチル化研究の2つの主要なアプローチです。



  • バイサルファイト変換

    Bisulfite modification of DNA is the most commonly used, "gold standard" method for DNA methylation studies providing single nucleotide resolution. This technology is based on the chemical conversion of unmethylated cytosine to uracil. Methylated cytosines are protected from this conversion allowing to determine DNA methylation at the singe nucleotide level. Various analyses can be performed on the altered sequence to retrieve this information: bisulfite sequencing, pyrosequencing, methylation-specific PCR, high resolution melting curve analysis, microarray-based approaches, and next-generation sequencing.

    How it works

    Treatment of DNA with bisulfite converts cytosine residues to uracil, but leaves 5-methylcytosine residues unaffected (see Figures).


    • Single nucleotide resolution
    • Gene-specific and genome-wide analyses
    • NGS compatible

    Downstream analysis techniques

  • メチル結合ドメインタンパク質

    The MBD technology used in our MethylCap Kit is based on the very high affinity of a H6-GST-MBD fusion protein for methylated DNA. This protein consists of the methyl binding domain (MBD) of human MeCP2, as a C-terminal fusion with Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) containing an N-terminal His6-tag. The H6-GST-MBD fusion protein can be used to specifically isolate DNA containing methylated CpGs.

    Diagenode’s MethylCap Kit enables high enrichment of double-stranded DNA and a differential fractionation in function of the methylated CpG density. Fractionation reduces the complexity of samples and makes subsequent next generation sequencing easier. Prior to the MethylCap assay, DNA is first extracted and sheared using the Bioruptor® Sonicator.


    • Unaffected DNA
    • Robust & reproducible technique
    • NGS compatible

  • メチル化DNA免疫沈降

    The Methylated DNA IP (MeDIP) is based on the affinity purification of methylated DNA using an antibody directed against 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) or 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) in the case of hMeDIP.

    How it works

    In brief, Methyl DNA IP is performed as follows: Genomic DNA from cultured cells or tissues is prepared, sheared, and then denatured. Then, immunoselection and immunoprecipitation can take place using the antibody directed against 5 methylcytosine and antibody binding beads. After isolation and purification is performed, the IP’d methylated DNA is ready for any subsequent analysis as qPCR, amplification, hybridization on microarrays or next generation sequencing.





    • Unaffected DNA
    • High enrichment yield
    • Robust & reproducible techniques
    • NGS compatible

    Find the solution you need

    Whole Genome Bisulfite-Seq
    Reduce Representation Bisulfite-Seq
    Bisulfite Conversion with qPCR, Sanger or Pyros
    Immunoprecipitation with Antibodies
    Immunoprecipitation with methyl-binding domain


Cat. No.製品FormatPrice
C02030030 Premium Bisulfite kit
Diagenode's Premium Bisulfite Kit rapidly converts DNA through bisulfite treatment. Our conversion reagent is added directly to DNA, requires no intermediate...
50 rxns $245.00
C02030036 Premium RRBS kit V2
(Coming soon) Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) offers a cost-effective, targeted solution to perform genome-scale DNA methylation analysis...
24 rxns $1,590.00
C02030037 Premium RRBS kit V2 x96
RRBS for low DNA amounts and accurate analysis

Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) offers a cost-effective, focused solution to perform genome-scale DNA methylation analysis at the s...
96 rxns $3,745.00
C02030031 Auto Premium Bisulfite kit
Diagenode's Premium Bisulfite Kit rapidly converts DNA through bisulfite treatment. Our conversion reagent is added directly to DNA, requires no intermediate...
40 rxns $245.00
C02030035 Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS
This reagent is compatible with the Premium RRBS Kit and provides reagents for additional bisulfite conversion reactions. Reduced Representation Bisulfite S...
8 rxns $125.00
C02040019 DNA methylation control package V2
The DNA methylation control package V2 includes one methylated and one unmethylated spike-in controls that can be added directly to the DNA sample of interes...
48 rxns $285.00
C09010010 MethylTaq DNA polymerase
MethylTaq DNAポリメラーゼは、高性能ホットスタート熱安定性組換え型DNAポリメラーゼです。 MethylTaqは、74℃以下のすべての活性を完全に欠如しているため、低温での非特異的プライミングを回避する、非常に頑強に修飾されたTaq DNAポリメラーゼです。 この強力な酵素は、要求の厳しい用途でも優れ...
250 units $270.00
View more products from the バイサルファイト変換 product category...


Cat. No.製品FormatPrice
C02010021 MagMeDIP qPCR kit
Sensitive tumour detection and classification using plasma cell-free DNA methylomesRead the publication Preparation of cfMeDIP-seq libraries for methylo...
48 rxns (IP) $770.00
C02010014 Auto MagMeDIP kit
Perform Automated MeDIP (seq) (Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation sequencing) with Diagenode´s Auto MagMeDIP kit to estimate DNA methylation status of ...
48 rxns
C02040012 DNA Methylation control package
The DNA Methylation control package includes unmethylated and in vitro methylated DNA together with specific primer sets for assessing the efficiency of your...
40 rxns $310.00
C02040019 DNA methylation control package V2
The DNA methylation control package V2 includes one methylated and one unmethylated spike-in controls that can be added directly to the DNA sample of interes...
48 rxns $285.00

Methylbinding domain proteinアッセイ

Cat. No.製品FormatPrice
C02020010 MethylCap kit
48 rxns
C02020011 Auto MethylCap kit
The MethylCap assay is based on the affinity purification of methylated DNA using a MBD (Methyl binding domain) protein . The Diagenode’s Auto MethylCa...
48 rxns
C02020012 MethylCap protein
100 µg

Hydroxymethylated DNA Immunoprecipitation

Cat. No.製品FormatPrice
C02010031 hMeDIP kit x16 (monoclonal mouse antibody)
このキットは、5-ヒドロキシメチルシトシン(5-hmC)(20µl, 50µl, 100µl)に対する最初で唯一のモノクローナル抗体を用いたDNA免疫沈降実験専用に設計されています。キットには、免疫沈降の効率を評価するコントロール配列(5-hmC、5-mCお...
16 rxns $690.00
C02010034 Auto hMeDIP kit x16 (monoclonal mouse antibody)
This kit has been designed to perform Hydroxymethylated DNA Immunoprecipitation using an antibody against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) on our Automated Sy...
16 rxns $690.00
C02040018 DNA hydroxymethylation control package
The DNA hydroxymethylation control package includes one hydroxymethylated spike-in control and its corresponding qPCR primer pair. The control can be ad...
48 rxns $155.00

DNA methylation standard

Cat. No.製品FormatPrice
C02040018 DNA hydroxymethylation control package
The DNA hydroxymethylation control package includes one hydroxymethylated spike-in control and its corresponding qPCR primer pair. The control can be ad...
48 rxns $155.00
C02040012 DNA Methylation control package
The DNA Methylation control package includes unmethylated and in vitro methylated DNA together with specific primer sets for assessing the efficiency of your...
40 rxns $310.00
C02040019 DNA methylation control package V2
The DNA methylation control package V2 includes one methylated and one unmethylated spike-in controls that can be added directly to the DNA sample of interes...
48 rxns $285.00

PCR enzymes and nucleotides

Cat. No.製品FormatPrice
C09010010 MethylTaq DNA polymerase
MethylTaq DNAポリメラーゼは、高性能ホットスタート熱安定性組換え型DNAポリメラーゼです。 MethylTaqは、74℃以下のすべての活性を完全に欠如しているため、低温での非特異的プライミングを回避する、非常に頑強に修飾されたTaq DNAポリメラーゼです。 この強力な酵素は、要求の厳しい用途でも優れ...
250 units $270.00
C09010012 MethylTaq Plus 2X Master Mix
MethylTaq Plus 2X Master Mix is a ready-to-use cocktail containing all components required for the amplification of bisulfiteconvertedNGS libraries, except p...
135 μL $125.00


  • Pacbio PRISM
    Danang, Vietnam
    Apr 14-Apr 16, 2025
  • American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
    Chicago (IL), USA
    Apr 25-Apr 30, 2025


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