
Banner showing a child looking to a DNA strand

Biomarker Discovery
with Epigenomics

Hologic Diagenode, Your Trusted Partner with
20 Years of Epigenomics Experience

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Why Choose Us?

A cube showing 3 faces with DNA, RNA and chromatin on each

Profound Biological Insights

Harnessing the power of epigenomics combined with advanced AI on clinical samples, we propel your biomarker discovery to a new dimension.

A rocket shaped like a light bulb

Accuracy and Reliability

Leveraging our expertise in cutting-edge techniques, methodologies and platforms, we identify biomarkers with unprecedent precision.

A stethoscope and a clock

Faster Time to Market

Partner with us to experience a comprehensive journey with streamlined timelines, from R&D to clinical trials, accelerating your path to market.

Our Service Laboratory Facilities:

Our Services Portfolio

Our comprehensive approach can be tailored to create an end-to-end service that matches your specific needs. Below is a sampling of our core technologies that help you discover new insights through epigenomics to accelerate your biomarker discovery and validation for early detection, patient screening, MRD and much more.

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