
ATAC-seq kit

ATAC-seq, Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin, followed by next generation sequencing, is a key technology for genome-wide mapping of accessible chromatin. The technology is based on the use of the transposase Tn5 which cuts exposed open chromatin and simultaneously ligates adapters for subsequent amplification and sequencing.  The ATAC-seq method allows you to:

  • Gain insight into gene regulation and understand open chromatin signatures
  • Determine nucleosome positions at single nucleotide resolution
  • Uncover transcription factor (TF) occupancy

How it works

ATAC-seq, Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin, followed by next generation sequencing, is a key technology to easily identify the open regions of the chromatin. The protocol consists of 3 steps: nuclei preparation, tagmentation and library amplification. First, the cells/tissue undergo the lysis, ending with the crude nuclei. Then, the nuclei are incubated with a tagmentase (Tn5 transposase), which  cuts the genomic regions associated with open chromatin and inserts the sequencing adaptors. Finally, the generated libraries are amplified and can be used for sequencing. High-throughput sequencing will then detect peaks, in open regions of the chromatin only, giving a map of the chromatin status in the whole genome of the sample.

ATAC-seq kit workflow

Depending on the type of sample (cell or tissue) the following products should be used for the complete ATAC-seq workflow:

Complete kits:

Separately available products:


  • Pacbio PRISM
    Danang, Vietnam
    Apr 14-Apr 16, 2025
  • American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
    Chicago (IL), USA
    Apr 25-Apr 30, 2025
 See all events


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