
DNA methylation

Hydroxymethylated DNA immunoprecipitation

The hydroxymethylated DNA IP (hMeDIP) is based on the affinity purification of methylated DNA using an antibody directed against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC).

How it works

In brief, hydroxymethyl DNA IP is performed as follows: starting from sheared genomic DNA from cultured cells or tissues, the immunoselection and immunoprecipitation can take place using the antibody directed against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and antibody binding beads. After isolation and purification is performed, the IP’d hydroxymethylated DNA is ready for any subsequent analysis as qPCR, amplification, hybridization on microarrays or Next Generation Sequencing.



Cat. No.ProductFormatPrice
C02010031 hMeDIP kit x16 (monoclonal mouse antibody)
The hMeDIP kit is designed for enrichment of hydroxymethylated DNA from fragmented genomic DNA samples for use in genome-wide methylation analysi...
16 rxns $690.00
C02010034 Auto hMeDIP kit x16 (monoclonal mouse antibody)
The Auro hMeDIP kit is designed for enrichment of hydroxymethylated DNA from fragmented genomic DNA samples for use in genome-wide methylation anal...
16 rxns $690.00
C02040018 DNA hydroxymethylation control package
The DNA hydroxymethylation control package includes one hydroxymethylated spike-in control and its corresponding qPCR primer set that can be added to the DNA...
48 rxns $155.00


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    Danang, Vietnam
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  • American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
    Chicago (IL), USA
    Apr 25-Apr 30, 2025
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