
D-Plex Total RNA-seq Kit for Illumina

Catalog Number
24 rxns

(Coming soon)

D-Plex Total RNA-seq Library Preparation kit is a tool designed for the study of the whole coding and non-coding transcriptome. The kit is using the D-Plex technology to generate directionnal libraries for Illumina sequencing directly from total RNAs, mRNAs that has already been enriched by poly(A) selection, or RNAs that has already been depleted of rRNAs.

The D-Plex technology utilizes the innovative capture and amplification by tailing and switching, a ligation-free method for RNA library preparation from ultra-low input amounts, down to 50 pg for total RNAs, mRNAs or rRNA-depleted RNAs. Combined with unique molecular identifiers (UMI), this complete solution delivers a high-sensitivity detection method for low-abundance or rare transcripts from challenging samples.

D-Plex Total RNA-seq Kit offers a time saving protocol that can be completed within 5 hours and requires minimal hands-on time. The library preparation takes place in a single tube, increasing the efficiency tremendously. This new solution has been extensively validated for both intact and highly degraded RNA samples, including that derived from FFPE preparations.

D-Plex Total RNA-seq Kit includes all buffers and enzymes necessary for the library preparation. Specific D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes were designed and validated to fit the D-Plex technology and are available separately:

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