
D-Plex mRNA-seq Kit for Illumina

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Catalog Number
24 rxns

(Coming soon)

D-Plex mRNA-seq Library Preparation Kit is a tool designed for the study of the whole coding transcriptome. The kit is using the D-Plex technology to generate directionnal libraries for Illumina sequencing directly from total RNAs or mRNAs that has already been enriched by poly(A) selection.

The D-Plex technology utilizes the innovative capture and amplification by tailing and switching, a ligation-free method for RNA library preparation from ultra-low input amounts. Combined with unique molecular identifiers (UMI), this complete solution delivers a high-sensitivity detection method for low-abundance or rare transcripts.

D-Plex mRNA-seq Kit offers a time saving protocol that can be completed within 5 hours and requires minimal hands-on time. The library preparation takes place in a single tube, increasing the efficiency tremendously. This new solution has been extensively validated for both intact and highly degraded RNA samples, including that derived from FFPE preparations.

D-Plex Total RNA-seq Kit includes all buffers and enzymes necessary for the library preparation. Specific D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes were designed and validated to fit the D-Plex technology and are available separately:

  • Product features

  • Indexes

    Specific D-Plex indexes were designed and validated to fit the D-Plex technology for Illumina sequencing and are not included in the kit. They can be bought separately according to your needs. Please choose the format that suits you best among the compatible references to:

    The use of UDI is highly recommended to mitigate errors introduced by read misassignment, including index hopping frequently observed with patterned flow cells such as Illumina’s NovaSeq system.

  • Data analysis

    A specific bioinformatics pipeline has been developed to process the special sequences present in the D-Plex construct, namely the UMI, the A-tail, and the template switch motif. All guidelines and free softwares are shared in the user manual. Subject to the compatibility of D-Plex constructs, other specific pipelines can be used.

    small RNA sequencing bioinformatics pipeline

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    How to properly cite our product/service in your work

    We strongly recommend using this: D-Plex mRNA-seq Kit for Illumina (Hologic Diagenode Cat# C05030033). Click here to copy to clipboard.

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