NEW! Human Methylome enables high coverage genome-wide DNA methylation analysis at the single nucleotide level in Human samples and it is ideal for biomarker discovery. The assay benefits from the advantages of Twist hybrid-capture panel that targets only 83Mb genomic regions containing important DNA methylation site thus enabling a very high CpG coverage. The technology is cost-efficient since it avoids the sequencing of the whole 3.2Gb human genome which includes regions without CpGs. By using Enzymatic Methylation (EM-seq) DNA is converted without further degradation and fragmentation leading to reduced bias and homogenous targeted capture.
High Coverage Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis
Single nucleotide resolution with enzymatic methylation (EM-seq)
Compatible with low input and highly fragmented cfDNA and FFPE
DNA inputs ranging from 200ng down to 10 ng
Robust (Hybrid-Capture) and cost-effective (reduced sequencing) solution
High coverage of 200X on CpG containing-region
Up to 18 million CpGs detected and 9 millions covered more than 10X
Covers more than 90% of the CpGs included in the Infinium EPIC array