

Tagmentation enzymes


Cat. No.ProductFormatPrice
C01070012-30 Tagmentase (Tn5 transposase) - loaded
  Diagenode Tagmentase – loaded is a hyperactive Tn5 transposase preloaded with Illumina-compatible sequencing adapters. Its ability to cut D...
30 μl $330.00
C01070010-10 Tagmentase (Tn5 transposase) - unloaded
Diagenode Tagmentase is a hyperactive Tn5 transposase with the potential to enhance epigenetic studies. Its ability to cut DNA and insert sequences of in...
10 µl $355.00
C01070011 Tagmentase Dilution Buffer
Diagenode Tagmentase Dilution Buffer is recommended for dilution of Tagmentase (Cat. No. C01070010) before or after transposome assembly.
200 µl $65.00
C01019043 Tagmentation Buffer (2x)
Diagenode Tagmentation Buffer (2x) is the recommended reagent to perform any tagmentation reactions. It can be used in combination with Diagenode Tagment...
300 µl $105.00


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