
Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS

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Catalog Number
8 rxns

This reagent is compatible with the Premium RRBS Kit and provides reagents for additional bisulfite conversion reactions.

Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing provides a powerful method to efficiently analyze DNA methylation at the single nucleotide level without the higher costs associated with whole genome bisulfite sequencing. By cutting the genome using the restriction MspI enzyme (CCGG target sites) followed by size selection, DNA is enriched to represent CpG-rich regions (including CpG islands), in which DNA methylation marks are typically found. Thus, RRBS provides a cost-effective method for analyzing DNA methylation by reducing the part of the genome that actually needs to be sequenced and focusing on relevant CpG islands.

  •  Documents
    Diagenode Premium RRBS technology: Cost-effective DNA methylation mapping with superior CpG resolution and coverage APPLICATION NOTE
    DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mark with broad relevance in development and disease. ...
    Premium RRBS kit MANUAL
    Diagenode’s Premium RRBS technology Positive and negative spike-in controls are...
    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS Datasheet DATASHEET
    This reagent is compatible with the Premium RRBS Kit and provides reagents for additional bisulfi...
  •  Safety sheets
    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS SDS US en Download
    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS SDS GB en Download
    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS SDS BE fr Download
    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS SDS FR fr Download
    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS SDS ES es Download
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    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS SDS JP ja Download
    Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS SDS BE nl Download
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    Diagenode strongly recommends using this: Bisulfite conversion reagent for RRBS (Diagenode Cat# C02030035). Click here to copy to clipboard.

    Using our products in your publication? Let us know!

    Diagenode® Premium RRBS technology: cost-effective DNA methylation mapping with superior coverage
    Anne-Clémence Veillard, Paul Datlinger, Miklos Laczik, Sharon Squazzo & Christoph Bock
    Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) enables genome-scale DNA methylation analysis in any vertebrate species. The assay benefits from the practical advantages of bisulfite sequencing while avoiding the cost of whole-genome sequencing. The Diagenode Premium RRBS kit makes this technology widely availabl...

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