Fabienne Bejjani et al.
The histone chaperone and transcription elongation factor SPT6 is integral to RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) activity. SPT6 also plays a crucial role in regulating transcription termination, although the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. In an attempt to identify the pathways employed by SPT6 in this regulation, we found that, while SPT6 and its partner IWS1 interact and co-localize with RNAPII, their functions diverge significantly at gene termination sites. Depletion of SPT6, but not of IWS1, results in extensive readthrough transcription, indicating that SPT6 independently regulates transcription termination. Further analysis identified that the cleavage and polyadenylation factor PCF11 and the phosphatase regulatory protein PNUTS collaborate with SPT6 in this process. These findings suggest that SPT6 may facilitate transcription termination by recruiting PNUTS and PCF11 to RNAPII. Additionally, SPT6 and PNUTS jointly restrict promoter upstream transcripts (PROMPTs), whereas PCF11 presence is essential for their accumulation in the absence of SPT6 at hundreds of genes. Thus, SPT6, PCF11, and PNUTS have both distinct and overlapping functions in transcription termination. Our data highlight the pivotal role of SPT6 in ensuring proper transcription termination at the 5′ and 3′-ends of genes.
Microplex Library Preparation kit
iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
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March, 2025