
CATS RNA-seq Kit v2 x24

Catalog Number
24 rxns

DiagenodeのCATS RNA-seq Kitは、RNAの低入力量から次世代シーケンシングに使用するDNAライブラリーを作製するためのライゲーションフリーの方法である革新的な "捕捉と増幅による尾引きと切り換え"(CATS)を利用しています。

  • より高いRNAの多様性
  • 10pg以下の超低入力で優れた再現性
  • 複雑なサンプルでの優れたパフォーマンス
  • 続きを読む


    ライブラリーは、起源の鎖特異性を保持します。他社のソリューションとは異なり、当社のCATS RNA-seqキットはライゲーションベースの方法と比較してもより高いライブラリー効率を示し、より良いテンプレート捕捉からさらに高い複雑性、より少ない増幅条件による最小バイアスをご提供します。

Broad overview of the transcriptome

Biotypes* represented in the libraries CATS v2 mRNA-seq Kit vs NEBNext Ultra I directional RNA-seq Kit. TPM ≥2.
Input: 1 ng, 10 ng poly(A) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000). * < 0.04% of total detected transcripts at this threshold is rRNA

More transcripts detected

Biotypes* represented in the libraries CATS v2 total RNA-seq Kit vs NEBNext Ultra I directional RNA-seq Kit. TPM ≥2.
Input: 1 ng, 10 ng rRNA(-) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000). * < 2% of total detected transcripts at this threshold is rRNA

Uniquely detected transcripts

All detected transcripts in CATS v2 mRNA-seq Kit vs NEBNext Ultra I directional library preparation Kit. No threshold has been set for the analysis.
Input: 1 ng poly(A) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000). 36,245 transcripts found in both libraries.

Consistency and wide representation of the transcriptome

Comparison on the number of coding transcripts detected with CATS v2 mRNA-seq Kit vs SMARTer stranded RNA-seq library preparation kit. TPM ≥2.
Input: 1 ng poly(A) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000). 21,333 transcripts found in both libraries.

High-complexity at low inputs

Mapped reads distribution for CATS v2 mRNA-seq Kit vs NEBNext Ultra I directional RNA-seq Kit.
Input: 1 ng, 10 ng poly(A) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000).

Very reproducible library preparation method

Transcripts detected in two technical replicates of CATS v2 total RNA-seq libraries. TPM≥2
Input: 1 ng rRNA(-) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000).

High correlation in transcripts detection across ultra low inputs

Transcripts detected in 1 ng vs 0.1 ng samples of CATS v2 mRNA-seq libraries. TPM≥2.
Input: 1 ng, 0.1 ng poly(A) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000).

High correlation in coding transcripts detection across different inputs

Transcripts detected in 10 ng vs 1 ng samples of CATS v2 total RNA-seq libraries. TPM≥2
Input: 1 ng, 10 ng rRNA(-) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000).

Few PCR cycles, less amplification bias

BioAnalyzer® electropherogram of two technical replicates of CATS v2 total RNA-seq libraries.
Input: 1 ng rRNA(-) RNA from human universal total RNA (Agilent, 740000).

Excellent performance on challenging samples

Heatmap clustering of the top 50 differentially expressed miRNAs after library preparation:

  • CATS Small RNA-seq Kit on 1 ng exosomal RNA (Exosome sample 1, 2)
  • CATS RNA-seq Kit on 1 ng total RNA from parent (HEK293T) cells (Cell sample 1, 2).

Prior library preparation, exosomes were isolated with Diagenode exosome capture solutions Exosomes

CATS saves time

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    We strongly recommend using this: CATS RNA-seq Kit v2 x24 (Hologic Diagenode Cat# C05010041). Click here to copy to clipboard.

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    Directional high-throughput sequencing of RNAs without gene-specific primers.
    Mäki A, Tiirola M
    Ribosomal RNA analysis is a useful tool for characterization of microbial communities. However, the lack of broad-range primers has hampered the simultaneous analysis of eukaryotic and prokaryotic members by amplicon sequencing. We present a complete workflow for directional, primer-independent sequencing of size-se...

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