
50 μl Microfluidic Chips for the One

Catalog Number
10 chips

The 50 μl microfluidic chips were specifically designed for efficient DNA shearing (200bp - 1kb) with the One. They are simple to use and handle.


As Genomic services facility, Genoma Lab team, have a large experience, processing different samples for NGS library prep and usually those protocols start with a fragmentation step and frequently the enzimatic option works fine at the first attemp, for the majority kind of samples, Some complex samples (environmental and clinical samples) are more resistant and require more treatments with different setups, which is a problem in low amount DNA and unique samples, causing at the same time a negative impact in experimental planning, times of processing samples and cost. Because of this, the introduction of mechanical fragmentation strategy, using Diagenoder One, became more relevant in the Lab routine. Bioruptor One improved our NGS workflows, providing better quality, cost and time of experiments, with a quick, easy, versatile and clean method!

Ph.D. Carolina Sánchez & Genoma Lab team. Genomic services facility Universidad Mayor. Santiago. Chile.
  • It includes everything you need

    The 50 μl microfluidic chips includes everything for best DNA shearing:

    • 12ml syringe filled with the ultrasonic gel (1x)
    • 50 μl microfluidic chips (10x)
    • Precut cover tape (10x)
  • Recommended settings for DNA shearing

    Follow our guidelines https://www.diagenode.com/en/dna-shearing-guide and find the adequate length of sonication for your expected DNA size.

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    We strongly recommend using this: 50 μl Microfluidic Chips for the One (Hologic Diagenode Cat# C30150002). Click here to copy to clipboard.

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