
MicroChIP DiaPure columns

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Catalog Number
50 rxns

Diagenode’s MicroChIP DiaPure columns have been optimized for the purification and elution of very low amounts of DNA. This rapid method has been validated for epigenetic applications like low input ChIP (e.g. using the True MicroChIP kit) and CUT&Tag (e.g. using Diagenode’s pA-Tn5), but is also compatible with many other applications.  The DNA can be eluted at high concentrations in volumes down to 6 μl and it is suitable for any downstream application (e.g. NGS).

Benefits of the MicroChIP DiaPure columns:

  • Optimized for the purification of very low DNA amounts
  • Fast and easy protocol
  • Non-toxic
  • Validated for ChIP and Cut&Tag


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