

Proteins play a critical role in virtually all cell processes including metabolism, structure, growth, and repair. Understanding protein function, behavior, structure, and their importance are key aspects of understanding disease and therapeutics. Experimental analysis of proteins typically involves expression and purification or the direct extraction of proteins from cells or tissues for further downstream analysis such as ligand binding assays, mass spectrometry, or protein sequencing. Other protein analysis methods include detection methods such as BCA assays and Western blots or methods to understand protein-to-protein interactions or protein-DNA interactions such as ChIP-sequencing.

At Diagenode, we simplify the protein research process with a portfolio of unique and robust tools to both isolate and analyze proteins. Our protein research products include the Bioruptor Plus sonication device for protein extraction, protein extraction beads, protein extraction kits, unique Western blot ladders that can be directly visualized on film, and highly validated antibodies for Western blot and ChIP-seq.


  • ChIP-seq Grade
    HDAC1 polyclonal antibody
  • Bioruptor Pico Leap tube holder
    iST cartridge holder for the Picoruptor (PreOmics)


  • EpiPlant 2024
    Clermont-Ferrand, France
    Jul 10-Jul 12, 2024


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