


Various biochemical and analytical techniques require the extraction of protein from tissues or mammalian, yeast and bacterial cells. Obtaining high quality and yields of proteins is important for further downstream protein characterization such as in PAGE, western blotting, mass spectrometry or protein purification. The efficient disruption and homogenization of tissues and cultured cells obtained in just one step using Diagenode's Bioruptor® deliver high quality protein.

Western blot analysis of GAPDH and HSP90 proteins in tissues (various mouse tissues) and cultured cell extracts (HeLA).

Western blot analysis of GAPDH and ß-tubulin proteins in tissues (mouse liver) and cultured cell extracts (HeLA).


Cat. No.ProductFormatPrice
B01080010 Picoruptor 2 sonication device
環境研究、毒物学、ゲノミクスおよびエピゲノミクス、癌研究、幹細胞開発、神経科学、臨床応用、農業、その他多数を含むさまざまな研究分野でのサンプル調製において、最高のプロセスを目指して設計開発されたPicoruptorと共にDiagenodeは、2004年以来断片化に関する専門知識と経験を積み重ねてきました。 ...
1 unit
B01020001 Bioruptor® Plus sonication device
The Bioruptor® uses a unique system to uniformely process multiple samples in sealed tubes of 0.5 ml to 50 ml capacity. The built-in cooling system (wate...
1 unit
C30010010-50 1.5 ml Bioruptor® Plus TPX microtubes
TPX® Polymethylpentene (PMP) tubes improve sonication and shearing efficiency. TPX® is a hard plastic which ameliorates the transmission of the ultra...
50 pc $60.00
B01200045 iST cartridge holder for the Picoruptor (PreOmics)
The iST cartridge holder has been especially designed for being used with the Picoruptor®  sonication device and with the PreOmics iST sample prepar...
1 pack $1,750.00
C20000021 Protein Extraction beads
Protein extraction from tissues is the first step for many biochemical and analytical techniques (PAGE, Western blotting, mass spectrometry, etc.) or protein...
20 g $105.00
C20000020 Protein Extraction kit for Bioruptor® Plus
Protein extraction from tissues is the first step for many biochemical and analytical techniques (PAGE, Western blotting, mass spectrometry, etc.) or protein...
50 rxns $450.00
B01201140 Tube holder for 1.5 ml tubes - Picoruptor
The tube holder for 1.5 ml tubes has been especially designed for being used with the Picoruptor sonication device. It allows for reproducible sonication of ...
1 unit $1,900.00


Protein extraction from Tissues and Cultured Cells using Bioruptor® Pico
Protein extraction from tissues and cultured cells is the first step for many biochemical and ana...
TAP-TAG - Procedure for the purification of a chromatin protein with Bioruptor®
The Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP) is a general procedure for the purification of protein com...
Activity Test - Procedure for immunoprecipitation of native chromatin proteins
Proteins play role in almost all cellular processes, and the study of their activity is crucial f...
Western Blot - Procedure for simultaneous extraction of cytoplasmic, nuclear and chromatin protein with Bioruptor®
The regular protocol for the extraction of histone requires an acid extraction, making impossible...
Mass-Spectrometry: procedure for shotgun proteomics
Mass Spectrometry is the preferred method for the sequencing and characterization of proteins. Sh...
Mass Spectrometry – Using the Bioruptor® to lyse C. Elegans for biochemical and proteomics analysis
Prasad Kasturi and F Ulrich Hartl from the Department of Cellular Biochemistry at the Max Planck ...
iST Sample Preparation with the Bioruptor®
The PreOmics iST sample preparation of proteins combined with the Diagenode Bioruptor® Pico e...

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