

针对 RNA-seq 的推荐产品

Cat. No.ProductFormatPrice
C05030060 D-Plex 24 DNBSEQ Barcodes - Set A
D-Plex DNBSEQ Barcodes should be used with the D-Plex Small RNA DNBSEQTM Kit. They were designed and validated to fit the D-Plex technology for MGI® sequ...
24 rxns $350.00
C05030061 D-Plex 24 DNBSEQ Barcodes - Set B
D-Plex DNBSEQ Barcodes should be used with the D-Plex Small RNA DNBSEQTM Kit. They were designed and validated to fit the D-Plex technology for MGI®...
24 rxns $350.00
C05030033 D-Plex mRNA-seq Kit for Illumina
(Coming soon)D-Plex mRNA-seq Library Preparation Kit is a tool designed for the study of the whole coding transcriptome. The kit is using the ...
24 rxns $1,575.00
C05030010 D-Plex 24 Single Indexes for Illumina - Set #A
Diagenode’s D-Plex Single Indexes for Illumina must be used with the D-Plex Small RNA-seq Kit. D-Plex has been extensively validated for sm...
24 rxns $420.00
C05030011 D-Plex 24 Single Indexes for Illumina - Set #B
Diagenode’s D-Plex Single Indexes for Illumina have to be used with the D-Plex Small RNA-seq Kit. D-Plex has been extensively validated for...
24 rxns $420.00
C05030051 D-Plex Small RNA DNBSEQ™ Kit
D-Plex Small RNA DNBSEQ™ Kit is a tool designed for the study of the small non-coding transcriptome. The kit is using the D-Plex technology to generate...
24 rxns $1,520.00
C05030001 D-Plex Small RNA-seq Kit x24 for Illumina
Download the manual Diagenode’s latest innovation in RNA-seq, D-Plex, is based on a template-switching technology that delivers a ...
24 rxns $1,495.00
C05030031 D-Plex Total RNA-seq Kit for Illumina
(Coming soon)D-Plex Total RNA-seq Library Preparation kit is a tool designed for the study of the whole coding and non-coding transcriptome. The ki...
24 rxns $1,495.00
C05030021 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set A
D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set A includes PCR primers with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for library multiplexin...
24 rxns $365.00
C05030022 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set B
(Comming soon)D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set B includes PCR primers with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for libra...
24 rxns $365.00
C05030023 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set C
D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set A includes primer pairs with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for library multiplexi...
24 rxns $365.00
C05030024 D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes for Illumina - Set D
D-Plex Unique Dual Indexes Module - Set A includes primer pairs with 24 unique dual barcodes (unique i5 and i7 indexes) for library multiplexi...
24 rxns $365.00
C05030032 D-Plex mRNA Capture Module
Diagenode’s D-Plex mRNA Capture Module is based on oligo d(T) magnetic beads to select only poly(A) tailed RNAs such as mRNAs and some lncRNAs. This me...
24 rxns $80.00


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