Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) is the most comprehensive next generation sequencing for DNA methylation profiling, allowing single-base resolution of 5-mC within the whole genome. By comparing treated and untreated sequences, the location of the methylated cytosines are determined.
Highest coverage for DNA methylation studies
Genome-wide screening for DNA methylation and single-base resolution
High coverage for 5-mC in low density and repeat regions
Dedicated scientist drives each project with high touch communication
Comprehensive service – Bisulfite conversion, library preparation, sequencing, and analysis
How to properly cite our product/service in your work
We strongly recommend using this: WGBS service (Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing) (Hologic Diagenode Cat# G02040000). Click here to copy to clipboard.
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Development and epigenetic plasticity of murine Müller glia. Dvoriantchikova G, Seemungal RJ, Ivanov D The ability to regenerate the entire retina and restore lost sight after injury is found in some species and relies mostly on the epigenetic plasticity of Müller glia. To understand the role of mammalian Müller glia as a source of progenitors for retinal regeneration, we investigated changes in gene expres...