
TGIF2 is a major regulator of neural stem cell fate and neurogenic priming

Yiling Li et al.

During brain development, neural stem cells (NSCs) must balance self-renewal with differentiation and ensure lineage progression. To identify novel regulators of NSCs during neurogenesis, we isolated NSCs by FACS from the mouse cerebral cortex and ganglionic eminence at mid-neurogenesis, and at birth, when gliogenesis starts in both, but neurogenesis only continues in the latter region. RNA-seq and ATAC-seq revealed major transcriptional and chromatin changes between these stages and identified TGFB-Induced Homeobox Factor 2 (TGIF2) as a key candidate factor in neurogenic NSCs. In vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated a potent role of TGIF2 controlling NSC fate maintenance mediated by its interaction with the SIN3A/HDAC repressor complex suppressing neuronal differentiation genes. Multiomic comparison of NSC and neuron gene expression allowed the comprehensive analysis of neurogenic priming in cortical NSCs, identifying TGIF2 as its major regulator by restraining neuronal differentiation gene activation in NSCs.

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February, 2025


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