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Improving the efficiency of genomic loci capture using oligonucleot...
Published: January, 2009

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The emergence of next-generation sequencing technology presents tremendous opportunities to accelerate the discovery of rare variants o... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Monodispersity of recombinant Cre recombinase correlates with its e...
Published: January, 2009

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Cre recombinase is a common reagent used for the in vivo on/off switching of the expression of target genes flanked by loxP sites. In p... Read more »

Bioruptor Cell Lysis
Multiple histone modifications in euchromatin promote heterochromat...
Published: January, 2009

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Methylation of lysine 79 on histone H3 by Dot1 is required for maintenance of heterochromatin structure in yeast and humans. However, t... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Sox17 promotes cell cycle progression and inhibits TGF-beta/Smad3 s...
Published: January, 2009

Abstract: The Sry-related high mobility group box transcription factor Sox17 is required for diverse developmental processes including endoderm formation, va... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
The protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type R gene is an early a...
Published: January, 2009

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Tumor development in the human colon is commonly accompanied by epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation and chromatin modifications... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Identification of the core element responsive to runt-related trans...
Published: January, 2009

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Type X collagen and runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX-2) are known to be important for chondrocyte hypertrophy during skeletal g... Read more »
BEAF regulates cell-cycle genes through the controlled deposition o...
Published: December, 2008

Abstract: Chromatin insulators/boundary elements share the ability to insulate a transgene from its chromosomal context by blocking promiscuous enhancer-prom... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
p53-Responsive micrornas 192 and 215 are capable of inducing cell c...
Published: December, 2008

Abstract: microRNAs provide a novel layer of regulation for gene expression by interfering with the stability and/or translation of specific target mRNAs. Ov... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Myc regulates a transcriptional program that stimulates mitochondri...
Published: December, 2008

Abstract: Mammalian cells fuel their growth and proliferation through the catabolism of two main substrates: glucose and glutamine. Most of the remaining met... Read more »
Optimization of experimental design parameters for high-throughput ...
Published: December, 2008

Abstract: High-throughput, microarray-based chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-chip) technology allows in vivo elucidation of transcriptional networks. Howe... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
NF-Y substitutes H2A-H2B on active cell-cycle promoters: recruitmen...
Published: November, 2008

Abstract: The CCAAT box is a frequent promoter element, as illustrated by bioinformatic analysis, and it is bound by NF-Y, a trimer with H2A-H2B-like subunit... Read more »

Transcriptional regulation of IRS5/DOK4 expression in non-small-cel...
Published: November, 2008

Abstract: The insulin-receptor substrate family plays important roles in cellular growth, signaling, and survival. Two new members of this family have recent... Read more »
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes injure the plasma membrane of macroph...
Published: October, 2008

Abstract: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are emerging nanotechnology materials which are likely to be mass-produced in the near future. However, prior to mass-produ... Read more »

Cell Lysis Western Blot
The LPS-induced transcriptional upregulation of the chicken lysozym...
Published: October, 2008

Abstract: Transcription of the lysozyme gene is rapidly induced by proinflammatory stimuli such as treatment with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Here we... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Pax5 and linker histone H1 coordinate DNA methylation and histone m...
Published: October, 2008

Abstract: The 3' regulatory region (3' RR) of the murine immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) locus contains multiple DNase I-hypersensitive (hs) sites. Proximal... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Genomewide analysis of PRC1 and PRC2 occupancy identifies two class...
Published: October, 2008

Abstract: In embryonic stem (ES) cells, bivalent chromatin domains with overlapping repressive (H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation) and activating (H3 lysine 4 tri... Read more »

Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Novel isoenzyme of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase is identified in br...
Published: October, 2008

Abstract: 2-Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH) is the first and rate-limiting component of the multienzyme OGDH complex (OGDHC) whose malfunction is associate... Read more »

Bioruptor Mitochondria disruption
Genome-associated RNA polymerase II includes the dissociable Rpb4/7...
Published: September, 2008

Abstract: Yeast RNA polymerase (Pol) II consists of a 10-subunit core enzyme and the Rpb4/7 subcomplex, which is dispensable for catalytic activity and disso... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Postmitotic Nkx2-1 controls the migration of telencephalic interneu...
Published: September, 2008

Abstract: The homeodomain transcription factor Nkx2-1 plays key roles in the developing telencephalon, where it regulates the identity of progenitor cells in... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Clozapine and sulpiride but not haloperidol or olanzapine activate ...
Published: September, 2008

Abstract: Cortical GABAergic dysfunction, a hallmark of both schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar (BP) disorder pathophysiologies may relate to the hypermethylatio... Read more »

Regulation of DNA methylation activity through Dnmt3L promoter meth...
Published: September, 2008

Abstract: The genomic DNA is methylated by de novo methyltransferases Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b during early embryonic development. The establishment of appropriate ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Stem cell-specific epigenetic priming and B cell-specific transcrip...
Published: September, 2008

Abstract: Low-level expression of multiple lineage-specific genes is a hallmark of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). HSCs predominantly express genes specific... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
SUMO-modified Sp3 represses transcription by provoking local hetero...
Published: September, 2008

Abstract: Modification of many transcription factors including Sp3 and steroidogenic factor 1 with the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) is associated wit... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
The histone demethylase KDM5b/JARID1b plays a role in cell fate dec...
Published: September, 2008

Abstract: The histone demethylase lysine demethylase 5b (KDM5b) specifically demethylates lysine 4 of histone H3 (meH3K4), thereby repressing gene transcript... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
BACH1 is a specific repressor of HMOX1 that is inactivated by arsen...
Published: August, 2008

Abstract: Intracellular heme is a redox active molecule that can be detrimental to cells at high concentrations or under oxidizing conditions. To prevent acc... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Transcriptional regulation of autocrine IL-6 expression in multiple...
Published: August, 2008

Abstract: Multiple myeloma (MM) is an as to date incurable hematopoietic malignancy. The importance of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) as an autocrine growth factor for... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Regulation of p53 target gene expression by peptidylarginine deimin...
Published: August, 2008

Abstract: Histone Arg methylation has been correlated with transcriptional activation of p53 target genes. However, whether this modification is reversed to ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Rapid, transcription-independent loss of nucleosomes over a large c...
Published: July, 2008

Abstract: To efficiently transcribe genes, RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) must overcome barriers imposed by nucleosomes and higher-order chromatin structure. Man... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
LXR signaling couples sterol metabolism to proliferation in the acq...
Published: July, 2008

Abstract: Cholesterol is essential for membrane synthesis; however, the mechanisms that link cellular lipid metabolism to proliferation are incompletely unde... Read more »

Master Mix
Nucleotide excision repair driven by the dissociation of CAK from T...
Published: July, 2008

Abstract: The transcription/DNA repair factor TFIIH is organized into a core that associates with the CDK-activating kinase (CAK) complex. Using chromatin im... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR


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    Sep 27, 2024
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