
ChIPmentation Kit for Histones

4 chrom. prep./24 IPs

ChIPmentation is a method that combines chromatin immunoprecipiation and tagmentation-based library preparation using a fast and robust ChIP-seq protocol for studying protein/DNA interactions. In this method, following chromatin immunoprecipitation, the sequencing libraries are created directly on the chromatin-antibody-beads complex by the Tagmentase (Tn5 transposase) loaded with sequencing adapters.  

The ChIPmentation Kit for Histones includes all reagents for chromatin preparation, chromatin immunoprecipitation and library preparation using tagmentation.  The primer indexes for multiplexing are not included in the kit and have to be purchase separately:

Benefits of the ChIPmentation system for histone ChIP-seq

  • Easier and faster than classical ChIP-seq
  • Validated for various histone marks for a standard amount of cells
  • Generate high quality sequencing data

For low input samples (10,000 cells) we recommend the µChIPmentation kit for Histones.

For ChIP-seq on transcription factors we recommend the iDeal ChIP-seq for transcription factors + TAG kit for ChIPmentation


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