RNA sequencing uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to uncover the presence and quantity of RNA for gene expression profiling across the transcriptome. Diagenode specializes in generating RNA-seq libraries which is optimal for low or degraded inputs including those from liquid biopsies,FFPE, exosomes, serum, or plasma.
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Long-term effects of myo-inositol on traumatic brain injury: Epigenomic and transcriptomic studies Oganezovi N. et al. Background and purpose
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its consequences remain great challenges for neurology. Consequences of TBI are associated with various alterations in the brain but little is known about long-term changes of epigenetic DNA methylation patterns. Moreover, nothing is known about potential trea...
Inflammatory stress-mediated chromatin changes underlie dysfunction in endothelial cells Liu H. et al. Inflammatory stresses underlie endothelial dysfunction and contribute to the development of chronic cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis and vascular fibrosis. The initial transcriptional response of endothelial cells to pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha is well established. However, very few ...