

Bioruptor® Plus (and Standard) accessories

All you need for the smooth running of the Bioruptor® Plus (or Standard). Download our quick guide "Which tubes for which Bioruptor®?" to find the best tubes for your applications.


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The 0.5 ml Bioruptor® Microtubes for DNA and chromatin shearing strongly improve sonication efficiency. These tubes have been thoroughly validated for us...

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The attachment for 0.5 ml (Standard/Plus) tubes has been especially designed for being used with the Bioruptor® sonication device. It allows for reproduc...

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TPX® Polymethylpentene (PMP) tubes improve sonication and shearing efficiency. TPX® is a hard plastic which improves the transmission of the ult...

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TPX® Polymethylpentene (PMP) tubes improve sonication and shearing efficiency. TPX® is a hard plastic which ameliorates the transmission of the ultra...

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The attachment for 1.5 ml tubes has been especially designed for being used with the Bioruptor® Standard & Plus sonication devices. It allo...

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This product has been discontinued. Instead, we recommend using: 15 ml Bioruptor® Plus TPX tubes For more information please contact info@diagenode...

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The attachment for 10 ml tubes has been especially designed for being used with the Bioruptor® sonication device. It allows for reproducible sonication o...

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TPX® Polymethylpentene (PMP) tubes improve sonication and shearing efficiency. TPX® is a hard plastic which ameliorates the transmission of the ultra...

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This tube holder has been designed for being used in combination with the Bioruptor® Standard, Plus and Pico for tissue disruption and cell lysis. 

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The attachment for 15 ml tubes has been especially designed for being used with the Bioruptor® sonication device. It allows for reproducible sonication o...

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The attachment for 50 ml tubes has been especially designed for being used with the Bioruptor® sonication device. It allows for reproducible sonication o...

dna qc kit

We have developed the DNA Quality Control Kit for you to be able to track the efficiency of your Bioruptor® Plus/Standard and to figure out the righ...

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This metallic soundproof box has been designed for a highly efficient acoustic insulation of the Bioruptor® sonication bath. This box is only compatible ...

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This product has been designed for a perfect sealing of the 10 ml adaptors. Both adaptors and O rings are accessories of the Bioruptor® Standard and Plus.

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This product has been designed for a perfect sealing of the 15 ml adaptors. Both adaptors and O rings are accessories of the Bioruptor® Standard and Plus.

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This product has been designed for a perfect sealing of the 50 ml adaptors. Both adaptors and O rings are accessories of the Bioruptor® Standard and Plus.

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Protein extraction from tissues is the first step for many biochemical and analytical techniques (PAGE, Western blotting, mass spectrometry, etc.) or protein...

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The Single Cycle Valve for the Bioruptor® controls the water flow between the Bioruptor® Pico / Bioruptor® Plus and the water cooler. Cold water ...

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This water cooling system allows continuous (Bioruptor® Standard or Plus) or regulated cooling (Bioruptor® Plus or Pico) of the Bioruptor sonication ...

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This water cooling system allows continuous (Bioruptor® Standard or Plus) or regulated cooling (Bioruptor® Plus or Pico) of the Bioruptor sonication ...


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    Apr 14-Apr 16, 2025
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    Apr 25-Apr 30, 2025
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