

Explore Diagenode’s publication database. Learn how our products are used in diverse fields of research.

Cardiac signaling genes exhibit unexpected sequence diversity in sp...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Sporadic heart failure is thought to have a genetic component, but the contributing genetic events are poorly defined. Here, we used ultra-high-thr... Read more »
Unlocking short read sequencing for metagenomics.
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Different high-throughput nucleic acid sequencing platforms are currently available but a trade-off currently exists between the cost a... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Polycomb target genes are silenced in multiple myeloma.
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a genetically heterogeneous disease, which to date remains fatal. Finding a common mechanism for initiation and progressio... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
A comprehensive map of insulator elements for the Drosophila genome.
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Insulators are DNA sequences that control the interactions among genomic regulatory elements and act as chromatin boundaries. A thorough understand... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing
Sole-Search: an integrated analysis program for peak detection and ...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Next-generation sequencing is revolutionizing the identification of transcription factor binding sites throughout the human genome. However, the bi... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-seq
Differential DNA methylation correlates with differential expressio...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Epigenetic mechanisms such as microRNA and histone modification are crucially responsible for dysregulated gene expression in heart failure. In con... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Rapid, low-input, low-bias construction of shotgun fragment librari...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: We characterize and extend a highly efficient method for constructing shotgun fragment libraries in which transposase catalyzes in vitro DNA fragme... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
A Method to Study the Epigenetic Chromatin States of Rare Hematopoi...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Dynamic chromatin structure is a fundamental property of gene transcriptional regulation, and has emerged as a critical modulator of physiological... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing
Genome-wide analysis of aberrant methylation in human breast cancer...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Cancer cells undergo massive alterations to their DNA methylation patterns that result in aberrant gene expression and malignant phenot... Read more »

The epigenetic landscape of latent Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Herpesvirus latency is generally thought to be governed by epigenetic modifications, but the dynamics of viral chromatin at early timepoints of lat... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing Antibody
In vivo chromatin organization of mouse rod photoreceptors correlat...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The folding of genetic information into chromatin plays important regulatory roles in many nuclear processes and particularly in gene t... Read more »

The core binding factor CBF negatively regulates skeletal muscle te...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Core Binding Factor or CBF is a transcription factor composed of two subunits, Runx1/AML-1 and CBF beta or CBFbeta. CBF was originally ... Read more »

Bioruptor Antibody
UPF2 is a critical regulator of liver development, function and reg...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a post-transcriptional RNA surveillance process that facilitates the recognition and destruction ... Read more »

The Runx transcriptional co-activator, CBFbeta, is essential for in...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The transcription factor Runx2 has an established role in cancers that metastasize to bone. In metastatic breast cancer cells Runx2 is ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
A paucity of heterochromatin at functional human neocentromeres.
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Centromeres are responsible for the proper segregation of replicated chromatids during cell division. Neocentromeres are fully function... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
An NF-kappaB-dependent role for JunB in the induction of proinflamm...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role in the induction of adaptive and memory immune responses. Upon encounter with pathogens, they und... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Monovalent and unpoised status of most genes in undifferentiated ce...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence demonstrates that stem cells maintain their identities by a unique transcription network and chromatin structure. O... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Retinoic acid protects human breast cancer cells against etoposide-...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Retinoids, through their cognate nuclear receptors, exert potent effects on cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis, and have signif... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Genome-wide conserved consensus transcription factor binding motifs...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: DNA methylation can regulate gene expression by modulating the interaction between DNA and proteins or protein complexes. Conserved con... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor Antibody
Impact of the DNA methyltransferases expression on the methylation ...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Disruption of apoptosis is considered as an important factor aiding tumorigenesis, and aberrant DNA methylation of apoptosis-associated genes could... Read more »

MeDIP kit
Acetylation of p65 at lysine 314 is important for late NF-kappaB-de...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: NF-kappaB regulates the expression of a large number of target genes involved in the immune and inflammatory response, apoptosis, cell ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Antagonism of aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling by 6,2',4'-trimet...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is regarded as an important homeostatic transcriptional regulator within physiological and pathophysiological p... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Assessing the efficiency and significance of Methylated DNA Immunop...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: DNA methylation contributes to the regulation of gene expression during development and cellular differentiation. The recently develope... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Chromatin states of core pluripotency-associated genes in pluripote...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Oct4, Nanog and Sox2 constitute a core of transcription factors controlling pluripotency. Differentiation and reprogramming studies have unraveled ... Read more »

Epigenetic silencing of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: The relationship between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARG) expression and epigenetic changes occurring in colorectal-cancer path... Read more »

MeDIP kit
Downstream targets of methyl CpG binding protein 2 and their abnorm...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The Rett Syndrome (RTT) brain displays regional histopathology and volumetric reduction, with frontal cortex showing such abnormalities... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
CTCF prevents the epigenetic drift of EBV latency promoter Qp.
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: The establishment and maintenance of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) latent infection requires distinct viral gene expression programs. These gene express... Read more »

Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Genome-wide analysis of allelic expression imbalance in human prima...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Many disease-associated variants identified by genome-wide association (GWA) studies are expected to regulate gene expression. Allele-specific expr... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Global regulator SATB1 recruits beta-catenin and regulates T(H)2 di...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: In vertebrates, the conserved Wnt signalling cascade promotes the stabilization and nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin, which then associates wit... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Halogenated imidazole derivatives block RNA polymerase II elongatio...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Aberrant activation of protein kinases is one of the essential oncogenic driving forces inherent to the process of tumorigenesis. The p... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR


  • EpiNantes 2024
    Nantes, France
    Sep 24-Sep 25, 2024
  • Nanopore Research Day Antwerp
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Sep 27, 2024
  • 10th Canadian Conference on Epigenetics
    Ontario, Canada
    Oct 1-Oct 4, 2024


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