

Explore Diagenode’s publication database. Learn how our products are used in diverse fields of research.

Hexokinase 2 is a transcriptional target and a positive modulator o...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) regulates the expression of numerous genes in response to activation by agonists including xenobiotics. Althoug... Read more »

Bioruptor MagMeDIP kit
HIRA supports hepatitis B virus minichromosome establishment andtra...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: BACKGROUND \& AIMS: Upon Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, partially double stranded viral DNA converts into a covalently-closed-circular chro... Read more »

Novel role of UHRF1 in the epigenetic repression of the latent HIV-1.
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The multiplicity, heterogeneity, and dynamic nature of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) latency mechanisms are reflected in ... Read more »

Translation is a key determinant controlling the fate of cytoplasmi...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Despite predicted to lack coding potential, cytoplasmic long non-coding (lnc)RNAs can associate with ribosomes, resulting in some cases into the pr... Read more »

D-Plex small RNA-seq
MiR-129-5p exerts Wnt signaling-dependent tumor-suppressive functio...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: BACKGROUND: In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), histone deacetylases (HDACs) are frequently overexpressed. This results in chromatin compaction and ... Read more »

PHF13 epigenetically activates TGFβ driven epithelial to mesenchyma...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Epigenetic alteration is a pivotal factor in tumor metastasis. PHD finger protein 13 (PHF13) is a recently identified epigenetic reader of H3K4me2/... Read more »

Variation in PU.1 binding and chromatin looping at neutrophil enhan...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Neutrophils play fundamental roles in innate inflammatory response, shape adaptive immunity1, and have been identified as a potentially causal cell... Read more »

Effects of GSK-J4 on JMJD3 Histone Demethylase in Mouse Prostate Ca...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Background/aim: Histone methylation status is required to control gene expression. H3K27me3 is an epigenetic tri-methylation modification to h... Read more »

Antibody IP-Star Compact iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones
Epigenetic Mechanisms Mediating Cell State Transitions in Chondrocytes
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Epigenetic modifications play critical roles in regulating cell lineage differentiation, but the epigenetic mechanisms guiding specific differentia... Read more »

Bioruptor Antibody Microplex Library Preparation kit True MicroChIP kit
A systematic comparison of FOSL1, FOSL2 and BATF-mediatedtranscript...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Th17 cells are essential for protection against extracellular pathogens, but their aberrant activity can cause autoimmunity. Molecular mechanisms t... Read more »

iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
Macrophage programming is regulated by a cooperative interaction be...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Resolution of inflammation is an active process that is tightly regulated to achieve repair and tissue homeostasis. In the absence of resolution, p... Read more »

Global DNA methylation and cellular 5-methylcytosine and H4acetylat...
Published: May, 2022

Abstract: Despite the importance of dormancy and dormancy cycling for plants' fitness and life cycle phenology, a comprehensive characterization of the globa... Read more »

AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 16 (StARF16) regulates defense gene StNPR1 up...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: We demonstrate a new regulatory mechanism in the jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) mediated crosstalk in potato defense response, wherein,... Read more »

Antibody Universal Plant ChIP-seq Kit
ACTL6a coordinates axonal caliber recognition and myelination in th...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Cells elaborate transcriptional programs in response to external signals. In the peripheral nerves, Schwann cells (SC) sort axons of given caliber ... Read more »

A Chromosomal Duplication Encompassing Interleukin-33 Causes aNovel...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Interleukin (IL)-33 is a member of the IL-1 cytokine family and is secreted by fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and epithelial cells in tissues (lun... Read more »

D-Plex RNA-seq kit
Folic Acid Treatment Directly Influences the Genetic andEpigenetic ...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Folic acid (FA) is a synthetic form of vitamin B9, generally used as a nutritional supplement and an adjunctive medication in cancer therapy. FA is... Read more »

Premium RRBS Kit
The CpG Island-Binding Protein SAMD1 Contributes to anUnfavorable G...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: The unmethylated CpG island-binding protein SAMD1 is upregulated in many human cancer types, but its cancer-related role has not yet been investiga... Read more »

Bioruptor Antibody Microplex Library Preparation kit
An obesogenic feedforward loop involving PPARγ, acyl-CoA bindingpro...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Acyl-coenzyme-A-binding protein (ACBP), also known as a diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI), is a potent stimulator of appetite and lipogenesis. Bioin... Read more »

iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
MLL-AF4 and a murinized pSer-variant thereof are turning on thenucl...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recent pathomolecular studies on the MLL-AF4 fusion protein revealed that the murinized version of MLL-AF4, the MLL-Af4 fusion protein,... Read more »

Bioruptor Antibody
Assessment of TET1 gene expression, DNA methylation and H3K27me3lev...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Endometriosis is the cause of infertility. The eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis showed an aberrant expression pattern of multitude g... Read more »

Chromatin Shearing Antibody
Familial long-read sequencing increases yield of de novo mutations.
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Studies of de novo mutation (DNM) have typically excluded some of the most repetitive and complex regions of the genome because these regions canno... Read more »

Local euchromatin enrichment in lamina-associated domains anticipat...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Interactions of chromatin with the nuclear lamina via lamina-associated domains (LADs) confer structural stability to the genome. The d... Read more »

Antibody Microplex Library Preparation kit
Transposon activity, local duplications and propagation of structur...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Immortalized cell lines are widely used model systems whose genomes are often highly rearranged and polyploid. However, their genome st... Read more »

ZWC complex-mediated SPT5 phosphorylation suppresses divergentantis...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: The human genome encodes large numbers of non-coding RNAs, including divergent antisense transcripts at transcription start sites (TSSs). However, ... Read more »

The genome sequence of Anoplius nigerrimus (Scopoli, 1763), a spide...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: We present a genome assembly from an individual Anoplius nigerrimus (Arthropoda; Insecta; Hymenoptera; Pompilidae) of unknown sex. The genome seque... Read more »

Immune disease variants modulate gene expression in regulatory CD4T...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Identifying cellular functions dysregulated by disease-associated variants could implicate novel pathways for drug targeting or modulation in cell ... Read more »

Antibody iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones
SMYD5 is a histone H3-specific methyltransferase mediatingmono-meth...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Although post-translational modifications (-PTMs) of some histone H3 lysine residues are well studied, the PTMs of histone H3 lysine 37 in mammalia... Read more »

Environmental induced transgenerational inheritance impacts systems...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Environmental toxicants have been shown to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease through exposure specific epigenetic alt... Read more »

A leukemia-protective germline variant mediates chromatin modulefor...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: Non-coding variants coordinate transcription factor (TF) binding and chromatin mark enrichment changes over regions spanning >100 kb. The... Read more »

Decitabine increases neoantigen and cancer testis antigen expressio...
Published: April, 2022

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and malignant primary brain tumour in adults. Despite maximal treatment, median survival remains ... Read more »

Infinium Human MethylationEPIC Array Service


  • EpiNantes 2024
    Nantes, France
    Sep 24-Sep 25, 2024
  • Nanopore Research Day Antwerp
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Sep 27, 2024
  • 10th Canadian Conference on Epigenetics
    Ontario, Canada
    Oct 1-Oct 4, 2024


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