
MicroPlex Library Prep. Kit v2 (12 indexes) - DISCONTINUED

Catalog Number
12 rxns

The MicroPlex Library Preparation kit v2 (12 indexes) has been discontinued. We highly recomend the newest version of the kit: MicroPlex Library Preparation kit v3 (Cat. No. C05010001).

The MicroPlex Library Preparation™ kit is the only kit on the market which is validated for ChIP-seq and which allows the preparation of indexed libraries from just picogram inputs. In combination with the True MicroChIP kit, it allows for performing ChIP-seq on as few as 10,000 cells. Less input, fewer steps, fewer supplies, faster time to results! 

The MicroPlex v2 kit (Cat. No. C05010012) contains all necessary reagents including single indexes for multiplexing up to 12 samples using single barcoding. For higher multiplexing (using unique dual indexes) check MicroPlex Library Preparation Kits v3.


We used the MicroPlex version 2 kit to generate libraries using ChIP DNA for several transcription factors and compared the results to a standard library generation protocol starting from 5ng of ChIP DNA. Even when we reduced the starting amount of DNA by 10-fold, the MicroPlex Kit produced the same high yields and quality of the libraries. As expected, the number of duplicate reads increased but 15 to 20 million unique reads were sufficient to achieve excellent enrichment data. We found that no information was lost, and the MicroPlex Kit helped produce data that was consistent with the standard protocol despite the lower input. On top of this, the MicroPlex Kit was extremely user-friendly and saved us time. The MicroPlex version 2 kit will make challenging ChIP-seq experiments that rely on very limited amount of starting material much easier with robust results.

Katia Basso, PhD, Assistant Professor, Columbia University, New York


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