

Explore Diagenode’s publication database. Learn how our products are used in diverse fields of research.

Novel snail1 target proteins in human colon cancer identified by pr...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The transcription factor Snail1 induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a process responsible for the acquisition of invasi... Read more »

Bioruptor Cell Lysis Western Blot
Nrf2 expression is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms in prostate c...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Nuclear factor-erythroid 2 p45-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor which regulates the expression of many cytoprotective genes. In th... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Nuclear myosin 1 is in complex with mature rRNA transcripts and ass...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: In rRNA biogenesis, nuclear myosin 1 (NM1) and actin synergize to activate rRNA gene transcription. Evidence that actin is in preribosomal subunits... Read more »

Paired hormone response elements predict caveolin-1 as a glucocorti...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Glucocorticoids act in part via glucocorticoid receptor binding to hormone response elements (HREs), but their direct target genes in vivo are stil... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Molecular and evolutionary characteristics of the fraction of human...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The mode of evolution of the highly homogeneous Higher-Order-Repeat-containing alpha satellite arrays is still subject to discussion. T... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Disruption of Dnmt1/PCNA/UHRF1 interactions promotes tumorigenesis ...
Published: January, 2010

Abstract: Global DNA hypomethylation is a hallmark of cancer cells, but its molecular mechanisms have not been elucidated. Here, we show that the disruption ... Read more »

MeDIP kit
Impact of DNA demethylation of the G0S2 gene on the transcription o...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: We recently identified that DNA methylation of the G0S2 gene was significantly more frequent in squamous lung cancer than in non-squamous lung canc... Read more »
Cytotoxic effect and apoptosis induction by silver nanoparticles in...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: Nanosilver has well-known antibacterial properties, and is widely used in daily life as various medical and general products. In comparison with si... Read more »

Muscle inactivation of mTOR causes metabolic and dystrophin defects...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key regulator of cell growth that associates with raptor and rictor to form the mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) a... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Oct4 and LIF/Stat3 additively induce Krüppel factors to sustain emb...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: Embryonic stem cell (ESC) pluripotency is dependent on an intrinsic gene regulatory network centered on Oct4. Propagation of the pluripotent state ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Dissection of Rad9 BRCT domain function in the mitotic checkpoint r...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, destabilizing telomeres, via inactivation of telomeric repeat binding factor Cdc13, induces a cell cycle checkpoint th... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Histone H1 binding is inhibited by histone variant H3.3
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: Linker histones are involved in the formation of higher-order chromatin structure and the regulation of specific genes, yet it remains unclear what... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Cag3 is a novel essential component of the Helicobacter pylori Cag ...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: Helicobacter pylori strains harboring the cag pathogenicity island (PAI) have been associated with more severe gastric disease in infected humans. ... Read more »

Bioruptor Cell Lysis
DNA methylation programming and reprogramming in primate embryonic ...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism, affecting normal development and playing a key role in reprogramming epigenomes during stem c... Read more »

Simultaneous quantitative analysis of N-acylethanolamides in clinic...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: A simple and rapid analytical method is described for the simultaneous quantitative analysis of three different N-acylethanolamides in human biolog... Read more »

Bioruptor Cell Lysis Mass Spectrometry
CpG-island promoters drive transcription of human telomeres.
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: The longstanding dogma that telomeres, the heterochromatic extremities of linear eukaryotic chromosomes, are transcriptionally silent was overturne... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Dynamic DNA methylation programs persistent adverse effects of earl...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: Adverse early life events can induce long-lasting changes in physiology and behavior. We found that early-life stress (ELS) in mice caused enduring... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Set2-dependent K36 methylation is regulated by novel intratail inte...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: Posttranslational modifications to histones have been studied extensively, but the requirement for the residues within the tails for different stag... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
ZBED6, a novel transcription factor derived from a domesticated DNA...
Published: December, 2009

Abstract: A single nucleotide substitution in intron 3 of IGF2 in pigs abrogates a binding site for a repressor and leads to a 3-fold up-regulation of IGF2 i... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-seq
Discovering hematopoietic mechanisms through genome-wide analysis o...
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: GATA factors interact with simple DNA motifs (WGATAR) to regulate critical processes, including hematopoiesis, but very few WGATAR motifs are occup... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-seq
An oestrogen-receptor-alpha-bound human chromatin interactome.
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: Genomes are organized into high-level three-dimensional structures, and DNA elements separated by long genomic distances can in principle interact ... Read more »

The miR-124-Sox9 paramutation: RNA-mediated epigenetic control of e...
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: The size of the mammalian body is determined by genetic and environmental factors differentially modulating pre- and postnatal growth. We now repor... Read more »

LowCell ChIP kit
Frequent long-range epigenetic silencing of protocadherin gene clus...
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: Wilms' tumour (WT) is a pediatric tumor of the kidney that arises via failure of the fetal developmental program. The absence of identifiable mutat... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Global analysis of H3K4 methylation defines MLL family member targe...
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: A common landmark of activated genes is the presence of trimethylation on lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4) at promoter regions. Set1/COMPASS was the f... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
The presence of RNA polymerase II, active or stalled, predicts epig...
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: Instructive mechanisms are present for induction of DNA methylation, as shown by methylation of specific CpG islands (CGIs) by specific inducers an... Read more »

Zinc finger transcription factor ecotropic viral integration site 1...
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: Ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) plays important roles in leukaemia and development, and its expression is temporally and spatially highly... Read more »
Antiangiogenic liposomal gene therapy with 16K human prolactin effi...
Published: November, 2009

Abstract: Human 16K PRL (16K hPRL) is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. It has been shown to prevent tumor growth in three xenogr... Read more »

Master Mix
Sp1 mediate hypoxia induced ephrinB2 expression via a hypoxia-induc...
Published: October, 2009

Abstract: Environmental factors are instrumental in maintaining a healthy vasculature. Oxygen tension is higher in arteries than in veins and thus has the po... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
The NF-kappaB factor RelB and histone H3 lysine methyltransferase G...
Published: October, 2009

Abstract: The interplay of transcription factors, histone modifiers, and DNA modification can alter chromatin structure that epigenetically controls gene tra... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
JAK2 phosphorylates histone H3Y41 and excludes HP1alpha from chroma...
Published: October, 2009

Abstract: Activation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) by chromosomal translocations or point mutations is a frequent event in haematological malignancies. JAK2 is a ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR


  • EpiNantes 2024
    Nantes, France
    Sep 24-Sep 25, 2024
  • Nanopore Research Day Antwerp
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Sep 27, 2024
  • 10th Canadian Conference on Epigenetics
    Ontario, Canada
    Oct 1-Oct 4, 2024


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