

Explore Diagenode’s publication database. Learn how our products are used in diverse fields of research.

PWWP2A binds distinct chromatin moieties and interacts with an MTA1...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Chromatin structure and function is regulated by reader proteins recognizing histone modifications and/or histone variants. We recently identified ... Read more »

Antibody Microplex Library Preparation kit
SOX4 can redirect TGF-β-mediated SMAD3-transcriptional output in a ...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Expression of the transcription factor SOX4 is often elevated in human cancers, where it generally correlates with tumor-progression and poor-disea... Read more »

Convergent evolution of complex genomic rearrangements in two funga...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Meiotic drive is widespread in nature. The conflict it generates is expected to be an important motor for evolutionary change and innovation. In th... Read more »

IPure kit Microplex Library Preparation kit
H3K4me2 and WDR5 enriched chromatin interacting long non-coding RNA...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Recently lncRNAs have been implicated in the sub-compartmentalization of eukaryotic genome via genomic targeting of chromatin remodelers. To explor... Read more »

LowCell ChIP kit iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
Demethylation of ITGAV accelerates osteogenic differentiation in a ...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Trauma-induced heterotopic ossification is an intriguing phenomenon involving the inappropriate ossification of soft tissues within the body such a... Read more »
Angiotensin II induced CSF1 transcription is mediated by a crosstal...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Endothelium-derived colony stimulating factor (CSF1) plays a key role in a range of human pathologies. Angiotensin II (Ang II) has been documented ... Read more »

Generation of an equine biobank to be used for Functional Annotatio...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: The Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes (FAANG) project aims to identify genomic regulatory elements in both sexes across multiple stages of de... Read more »

iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones
Differential Methylation of H3K79 Reveals DOT1L Target Genes and Fu...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: The disruptor of telomeric silencing 1-like (DOT1L) mediates methylation of histone H3 at position lysine 79 (H3K79). Conditional knockout of Dot1l... Read more »

The long non-coding RNA NEAT1 and nuclear paraspeckles are upregula...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: The long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) NEAT1 is the architectural component of nuclear paraspeckles, and has recently gained considerable attention as it... Read more »

iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Transcription Factors
IFN-γ immune priming of macrophages in vivo induces prolonged STAT1...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Development of vaccines against opportunistic infections is difficult as patients most at risk of developing disease are deficient in aspects of th... Read more »

IPure kit
Accurate annotation of accessible chromatin in mouse and human prim...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Extensive and accurate chromatin remodeling is essential during primordial germ cell (PGC) development for the perpetuation of genetic information ... Read more »

Differential Methylation of H3K79 Reveals DOT1L Target Genes and Fu...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: The disruptor of telomeric silencing 1-like (DOT1L) mediates methylation of histone H3 at position lysine 79 (H3K79). Conditional knockout of Dot1l... Read more »

ΔNp63-driven recruitment of myeloid-derived suppressor cells promot...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is particularly aggressive, with enhanced incidence of tumor relapse, resistance to chemotherapy, and metastas... Read more »

H3K4/K9 acetylation and Lr28-mediated expression of six leaf rust r...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Development of leaf rust-resistant cultivars is a priority during wheat breeding, since leaf rust causes major losses in yield. Resistance against ... Read more »

Prospective Isolation and Characterization of Genetically and Funct...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Intra-tumor heterogeneity caused by clonal evolution is a major problem in cancer treatment. To address this problem, we performed label-free quant... Read more »

Microplex Library Preparation kit
Directional high-throughput sequencing of RNAs without gene-specifi...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Ribosomal RNA analysis is a useful tool for characterization of microbial communities. However, the lack of broad-range primers has hampered the si... Read more »

SOX4 inhibits oligodendrocyte differentiation of embryonic neural s...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: SOX4 has been shown to promote neuronal differentiation both in the adult and embryonic neural progenitors. Ectopic SOX4 expression has also been s... Read more »

Cellular localization of the cell cycle inhibitor Cdkn1c controls g...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Adult skeletal muscle maintenance and regeneration depend on efficient muscle stem cell (MuSC) functions. The mechanisms coordinating cell cycle wi... Read more »

Integrated analysis of DNA methylation profiling and gene expressio...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Aberrant DNA methylation occurs frequently in cancer. The aim of this study was to identify novel methylation markers in lung cancer in... Read more »

Aster Proteins Facilitate Nonvesicular Plasma Membrane to ER Choles...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: The mechanisms underlying sterol transport in mammalian cells are poorly understood. In particular, how cholesterol internalized from HDL is made a... Read more »

Master Mix
Genomic Structural Variations Within Five Continental Populations of .
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Chromosomal structural variations (SV) including insertions, deletions, inversions, and translocations occur within the genome and can have a signi... Read more »

PRC2 targeting is a therapeutic strategy for EZ score defined high-...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant plasma cell disease with a poor survival, characterized by the accumulation of myeloma cells (MMCs... Read more »

Antibody IPure kit IP-Star Compact iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones
Cellular localization of the cell cycle inhibitor Cdkn1c controls g...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Adult skeletal muscle maintenance and regeneration depend on efficient muscle stem cell (MuSC) functions. The mechanisms coordinating cell cycle wi... Read more »

Antibody iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones
Suppression of AMPK/aak-2 by NRF2/SKN-1 down-regulates autophagy du...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: NF-E2-related factor 2 (NRF2) transcription factor has a fundamental role in cell homeostasis maintenance as one of the master regulators of oxidat... Read more »

Histone deacetylase (HDAC) 1 and 2 complexes regulate both histone ...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Proteomic analysis of histones has shown that they are subject to a superabundance of acylations, which extend far beyond acetylation, to include: ... Read more »

IPure kit
The Itaconate Pathway Is a Central Regulatory Node Linking Innate I...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: Sepsis involves simultaneous hyperactivation of the immune system and immune paralysis, leading to both organ dysfunction and increased susceptibil... Read more »

Antibody Bioruptor Plus
Multi-axial self-organization properties of mouse embryonic stem ce...
Published: October, 2018

Abstract: The emergence of multiple axes is an essential element in the establishment of the mammalian body plan. This process takes place shortly after impl... Read more »

Long-read sequencing identified a causal structural variant in an e...
Published: September, 2018

Abstract: Background: For a proportion of individuals judged clinically to have a recessive Mendelian disease, only one heterozygous pathogenic variant can b... Read more »

Gap junction protein Connexin-43 is a direct transcriptional regula...
Published: September, 2018

Abstract: Connexins are the primary components of gap junctions, providing direct links between cells under many physiological processes. Here, we demonstrat... Read more »

Histone variant H2A.Z deposition and acetylation directs the canoni...
Published: September, 2018

Abstract: A fundamental as yet incompletely understood feature of Notch signal transduction is a transcriptional shift from repression to activation that dep... Read more »



  • Nanopore Research Day Antwerp
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Sep 27, 2024
  • 10th Canadian Conference on Epigenetics
    Ontario, Canada
    Oct 1-Oct 4, 2024
  • Long-Read Sequencing Meeting 2024
    Uppsala, Sweden
    Oct 21-Oct 23, 2024


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