

Explore Diagenode’s publication database. Learn how our products are used in diverse fields of research.

Pre-TCR signaling and CD8 gene bivalent chromatin resolution during...
Published: June, 2011

Abstract: The CD8 gene is silent in CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative thymocytes, expressed in CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive cells, and silenced in cells committin... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Reversible epigenetic fingerprint-mediated glutathione-S-transferas...
Published: June, 2011

Abstract: Glutathione-S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) gene is commonly silenced by CpG island promoter hypermethylation in prostate, breast, and liver cancers. Howe... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR Cell Lysis Enzymatic Assay
Analysis of the GAD1 promoter: trans-acting factors and DNA methyla...
Published: June, 2011

Abstract: GAD67 corresponds to one of two enzymes that decarboxylates glutamate to produce γ-aminobutyric acid, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the m... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
Differential nuclear localisation and promoter occupancy play a rol...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor for which a number of endogenous and synthetic ligands exist. A key que... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Arginine and glutamate-rich 1 (ARGLU1) interacts with mediator subu...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Estrogen receptor is a nuclear receptor superfamily member of transcriptional activators that regulate gene expression by recruiting diverese trans... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
RNF20 inhibits TFIIS-facilitated transcriptional elongation to supp...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: hBRE1/RNF20 is the major E3 ubiquitin ligase for histone H2B. RNF20 depletion causes a global reduction of monoubiquitylated H2B (H2Bub) levels and... Read more »

Bioruptor Cell Lysis
Cohesin mediates chromatin interactions that regulate mammalian β-g...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: The β-globin locus undergoes dynamic chromatin interaction changes in differentiating erythroid cells that are thought to be important for proper g... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
TET1 and hydroxymethylcytosine in transcription and DNA methylation...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Enzymes catalysing the methylation of the 5-position of cytosine (mC) have essential roles in regulating gene expression and maintaining cellular i... Read more »

Caenorhabditis elegans chromatin-associated proteins SET-2 and ASH-...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Methylation of histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4me), a mark associated with gene activation, is mediated by SET1 and the related mixed lineage leukemia (ML... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR Antibody
Interaction between FGFR-2, STAT5, and progesterone receptors in br...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 2 (FGFR-2) polymorphisms have been associated with an increase in estrogen receptor and progesterone recept... Read more »

HighCell ChIP kit
AP-2c regulates oestrogen receptor-mediated long-range chromatin in...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Oestrogen receptor α (ERα) is key player in the progression of breast cancer. Recently, the cistrome and interactome of ERα were mapped in breast c... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-seq
Mapping and analysis of chromatin state dynamics in nine human cell...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Chromatin profiling has emerged as a powerful means of genome annotation and detection of regulatory activity. The approach is especially well suit... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-seq
Requirement for Dot1l in murine postnatal hematopoiesis and leukemo...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Disruptor of telomeric silencing 1-like (Dot1l) is a histone 3 lysine 79 methyltransferase. Studies of constitutive Dot1l knockout mice show that D... Read more »

Bioruptor Cell Lysis Western Blot
LIF, a Novel STAT5-Regulated Gene, Is Aberrantly Expressed in Myelo...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: A search for genes potentially regulated by STAT5 identified leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) as a good candidate. Using various experimental appro... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Histone H3K4 trimethylation by MLL3 as part of ASCOM complex is cri...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: The nuclear receptor Farnesoid x receptor (FXR) is a critical regulator of multiple genes involved in bile acid homeostasis. The coactivators attra... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Epigenetic profile of the euchromatic region of human Y chromosome.
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: The genome of a multi-cellular organism acquires various functional capabilities in different cell types by means of distinct chromatin modificatio... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing Antibody LowCell ChIP kit
NF-kB and c-Jun induce the expression of the oncogenic miR-221 and ...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are potent negative regulators of gene expression involved in all aspects of cell biology. They finely modulate virtually all ph... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Functional analysis of KAP1 genomic recruitment.
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: TRIM28 (KAP1) is upregulated in many cancers and has been implicated in both transcriptional activation and repression. Using chromatin immunopreci... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
JAG2 induction in hypoxic tumor cells alters Notch signaling and en...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Several studies have revealed links between hypoxia and activation of Notch in solid tumors. While most reports have focused on intracellular domai... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Mechanism of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3)-dependent repression of in...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Interleukin 12 (IL-12) is a heterodimeric, pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays a central role in activation and differentiation of CD4(+) T cells ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands of widely different toxic equival...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Posttranslational histone modifications are a critical regulatory mechanism of gene transcription. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown ... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
The histone demethylase JARID1A regulates progesterone receptor exp...
Published: May, 2011

Abstract: Transcriptional control of the progesterone receptor gene by estrogen is a complex mechanism. It involves estrogen receptor α which uses several en... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Selective genomic targeting by FRA-2/FOSL2 transcription factor: re...
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: FRA-2/FOSL2 is a basic region-leucine zipper motif transcription factor that is widely expressed in mammalian tissues. The functional repertoire of... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Chromatin-modifying agents promote the ex vivo production of functi...
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: Presently, blood transfusion products (TPs) are composed of terminally differentiated cells with a finite life span. We have developed an ex vivo-g... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Widespread negative response elements mediate direct repression by ...
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: The glucocorticoid (GC) receptor (GR), when liganded to GC, activates transcription through direct binding to simple (+)GRE DNA binding sequences (... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Coordinated cancer germline antigen promoter and global DNA hypomet...
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: PURPOSE: Cancer germline (CG) antigens are frequently expressed and hypomethylated in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), but the relationship of this... Read more »

Bioruptor Western Blot Tissue Homogenization
Genome-wide analysis of target genes regulated by HoxB4 in hematopo...
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: Forced expression of the transcription factor HoxB4 has been shown to enhance the self-renewal capacity of mouse bone marrow hematopoietic stem cel... Read more »

Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR
Tumour evolution inferred by single-cell sequencing.
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: Genomic analysis provides insights into the role of copy number variation in disease, but most methods are not designed to resolve mixed population... Read more »

DNA shearing Bioruptor
TLE3 is a dual-function transcriptional coregulator of adipogenesis.
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: PPARγ and Wnt signaling are central positive and negative regulators of adipogenesis, respectively. Here we identify the groucho family member TLE3... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-qPCR Master Mix
Replication stress induces 53BP1-containing OPT domains in G1 cells.
Published: April, 2011

Abstract: Chromosomal deletions and rearrangements in tumors are often associated with common fragile sites, which are specific genomic loci prone to gaps an... Read more »

Bioruptor Chromatin Shearing ChIP-seq


  • EpiNantes 2024
    Nantes, France
    Sep 24-Sep 25, 2024
  • Nanopore Research Day Antwerp
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Sep 27, 2024
  • 10th Canadian Conference on Epigenetics
    Ontario, Canada
    Oct 1-Oct 4, 2024


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